MicroPort Online Medical Education

As part of our ongoing commitment to medical education and due to the Covid-19 situation, we have recently hosted several online webinars. Below, you will find the recordings for the different sessions, in case you were not able to join the live sessions.

Should you require any support, feel free to reach out to us via [email protected]

Evolution® Revision Webinar

Monday, December 14th 2020

This webinar was hosted by experts on the MicroPort eMP™ Revision Medial-Pivot system.

This webinar is aimed at current users of the eMP™ Primary and/ or Revision System. Multiple topics like market trends, system Design Philosophy, Surgical Technique and many more have been discussed.

Cadaveric Masterclass Recordings now available!

October 2020, Essen Germany

Recently, MicroPort was proud to host three masterclasses in Essen, Germany. These labs were livestreamed and the recordings are now available. To view both the didactic and cadaveric session, you will need an account to access the following pages:

AnteriorPath® Masterclass October 2020 ⋆ Joint Academy Microport
SuperPath® Masterclass October 2020 ⋆ Joint Academy Microport
Evolution® Masterclass October 2020 ⋆ Joint Academy Microport

If you do not have an account yet, you can easily register and join our Academy via this link. Within JAM, you will then gain access to MicroPort’s marketing collateral and medical education information.

SuperPath® : UK User Group Webinar

Wednesday July 15th 2020

MicroPort has a number of proprietary surgical hip techniques aimed to preserve tissue and promote rapid recovery. The recent webinar focused on our SuperPath® portal assisted hip approach with expert speaker Mr. Michael Cronin, Mr. Ashwin Kulkarni and Mr. Mohammad Faisal from UK.

SuperPath® Concept, Benefits & Surgical Technique discussion

Tuesday June 23th 2020

MicroPort has a number of proprietary surgical hip techniques aimed to preserve tissue and promote rapid recovery. The recent webinar focused on our SuperPath® portal assisted hip approach with expert speaker Eduardo Machado, MD, PhD from Brazil moderated by Dr. Carlomagno Cardenas from Spain.

Anterior Path® Webinar

Thursday June 25th 2020

MicroPort has a number of proprietary surgical hip techniques aimed to preserve tissue and promote rapid recovery. The recent webinar focused on our Anterior Path® portal assisted anterior hip approach with expert speaker Joseph Assini, MD, FRCSC from the United States moderated by Prof. Francesco Falez from Italy.

Full Function, Faster® SuperPath® Webinar

Thursday June 18th 2020

Are you considering different strategies to restart your orthopedic practice post COVID-19? Then watch the recording of our recent webinar featuring expert speakers Dr Cardenas, Mr Cronin, Dr Mas and Dr Somers. They have shared their thoughts on the unique tools they use to prepare for a smooth transition. Meeting topic: The value of the Full Function, Faster® protocol when resuming prosthetic surgery in times of COVID-19.

Full Function, Faster® Knee Webinar

Friday May 8th 2020

Are you considering different strategies to restart your orthopedic practice post COVID-19? Then watch the recording of our recent webinar  featuring expert speakers Dr Cassard, Dr Mertens and Dr Lagast. They have shared their thoughts on the unique tools they use to prepare for a smooth transition. Meeting topic: The value of the Full Function, Faster® protocol when resuming prosthetic surgery in times of COVID-19.

Medial – Pivot Webinar

Friday April 30th 2020

30 minutes with Dr. Backstein & Prof. Randelli on Medial-Pivot. Enabled by SIAGASCOT.

On April 30th, together with SIAGASCOT, we hosted a webinar with Dr. Backstein from Canada and Prof. Randelli from Italy.

Please view the recording to learn more about our Medial-Pivot Knee systems!

Microport Events

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